Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Early Wednesday, Rainy Wednesday
Yesterday I turned in a mid-term project: 4 essays on American higher education (essentially) - max 5 pages each, plus a cover page and reference pages (for the whole packet). Putting it together yesterday afternoon caused much hilarity for me and Candice. I'm not sure if that was because it was actually hilarious... or if it was because we were sleep deprived and out of our minds. It was a hard project. The questions left a lot of room for interpretation, and I'm still not sure if I answered them well. I think I wrote good essays, though - at least I hope so. Its going to be two weeks before they are returned..... (sad face). Anyway, when it was all said and done, I looked at this packet sitting on the table, with a title and my name on it (I even gave the essays "titles") and I thought, "wow, I'm kind of proud of myself."
I didn't have to write long papers as an undergrad. I did a number of senior projects, but they didn't include "writing." So this may be the longest set of papers I've written yet. And as I looked it with its fancy packaging (and by that I mean... the cover page), I thought, "maybe I will want to be published some day."
Crazy stuff, friends, crazy stuff.
Now, all that has to be put aside, because I'm about to read a book for that class and then generate a 12-20 page term paper on a "higher ed issue" that I discover in the book. So I will have to write longer.... p.s. I think I've written 10 pages before, but it was a long time ago and those years are kind of fuzzy... for many reasons.
So on to other matters!
Tonight I'm traveling with my Youth Ministry Team to Richardson, TX (up past Dallas) and we are going to have a crazy fun time with the youth of First Baptist Richardson before going somewhere FUN for dinner, i.e. Cheesecake Factory!
Friday night I'm going to the Alpha Delta Pi semi-formal FIESTA! I'm looking forward to spending more time with the ladies, even though I don't have a date to come with me. I don't really know any single men in the area, even if I just wanted to take them as friends (I know, I know, the Lord has a plan though, because He keeps sending me to these places). I did think seriously about taking my friend Collin (Candice's husband) because he was going to learn the "Thriller" dance this week and he's a good dancer. Instead I'll just enjoy the company of the women there and get to know them better!
So this morning I'm headed to the mall to buy a dress - a little black one that I can wear to semi-formals for the rest of my advising career. Hopefully the girls won't start to say, "didn't you wear that dress last time?" :) Its nice to think about taking a couple hours to do something that doesn't involved computers or the library!
And then on Saturday...... yep...... Baylor vs. A&M, here in Waco!
I'm so EXCITED to be at this game. Last week the Bears came back to beat the U. of Kansas Jayhawks to get their 3rd Big 12 win, and now they are only 2 Big 12 victories away from a bowl game. Crazy. 3 wins is the most they've had in the Big 12 in something like 10 years! Anyway, last week it was scorchingly hot, we'd been up since early for the parade (and up late the night prior) so we left after the 3rd. Don't judge me - Its not Greenville (where I would never leave early) because I don't know anyone there, and we were all sunburned (seriously) and sun-stroked (ok, that part was exaggerated). So we left. And Baylor came back to win by 1 point in the 4th quarter.
I won't leave early this week.
So there you have it. My latest life in a nutshell. Oh, and my new (to me) car isn't working, still. I'm taking it to a mechanic tomorrow who will hopefully fix it for less than $100. Please pray.
Blessings to you, out there.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Oh! What a night....
On Thursdays I normally get up at the normal time, work on homework until about 10, watch the first 20 minutes of Regis and Kelly with my roommate Sarah, shower and go back to homwork until Celina comes for lunch. She's one the chaplains that I meet with regularly - a really neat, jesus-loving gal.
Today started out like most of the others, except that I'm so far behind on regular reading because of this crazy midterm I'm working on, that I was feeling the squeeze. Class tomorrow has one book in its entirety (its great: Millenials Go to College) due to discuss, plus 6 chapters from our text - 3 from last week, 3 from this week.... plus the midterm.
So I was just working like a trojan when Sarah mentioned she wanted to go to Target get some rainboots... Even though I know that Target probably wouldn't have any size 10's left (sorry, Rana, but you know its true) I said, "OK, I'll go with you at 2pm and go into work late." Celina came at 12:45, we had a great meeting and then Sarah and I headed to Target.
We got there and traveled to the shoe area, but I was on a phone call and so I wasn't being very thorough. I saw that there were boots on the top shelf, where the little size marker said "10" and so I slipped off my flip flop and put on the boot. It was kind of narrow so I shouldered the phone and pulled it on..... realizing too late... it was NOT a 10. No, I think it was a 9. So now picture me on the phone trying to get this boot off with one hand - its a full size too small... Sarah tries to help me, but that boot is on and we're both laughing but I'm on the phone and trying not to let on that I'm in a very awkward position. Thankfully the boot came off.
I did finally make it back home (no boots.. boo, hiss) and got my stuff all together (right now, I travel with my midterm textbooks everywhere so I can work on the essays wherever I go) and drove to work. I got a GREAT spot, on the street about 20 yards from the house where I work. Life is good. Work was fine, I got the things done I needed to and I worked on editing my paper - all good so far.
I was staying at work past closing time so that I could just walk over to Waco Hall to meet my friends... we were planning to attend PIGSKIN. Pigskin is a musical revue, thats actually a reprisal of the top 8 teams from SING. Sing is "the largest amateur talent show in the country" and is an annual event where greek organizations (primarily) put together 7 minute musical numbers. but that description doesn't even begin to do it justice. Imagine 90 men (or women) singing, dancing, elaborate costumes and sets. Its even better than you can imagine, or at least it was better than I could imagine.
Ok, anyway, I put my backpack in my trunk, grabbed a wrap because it was cold today and walked over to the show. Thank goodness I decided to put away homework for a night and just enjoy this homecoming tradition!!!!! It was AMAZING! It was so amazing that afterward on the way back to my car I called my parents and said, "Book you tickets to visit February 22-24 because your coming and we're going to Sing!!!!!"
I got to my car and for a moment thought my backpack had been stolen. But, phew, I had left it in the trunk. I left it there, decided to get it out when I got home in 5 minutes. I got into the car, turned the key..... nothing. well, weird clicking and electric lights, but nothing else. tried again a few times. no. So I called Sarah, who came to my rescue. It was about 9:45 now, and dark and cold. Sarah came and after restarting her car, got out and went around to the other side..... only to discover she had locked herself out of the car... with it running. My car was still dead and the jumper cables were inside her car. Her car was blocking mine in, and it was locked with the engine running. Picture it. Actually, in hindsight... well not hysterical, but funny. I had called my friends Collin and Candice to tell them about my evening and the car earlier. When this happened, Sarah ran toward home to get her extra key, with my housekey in her hand. I called back the Bullards and they came to rescue us. Collin dropped Candice off with me and went to pick up Sarah so she didn't have to run the streets of Waco alone. In the meantime, a police officer had come by and was going to help me start my car. He had a jump pack, but before he used it he had to get my driver's license and the car's plate. Then I had to try to explain why the car I have (which has a pennsylvania license) isn't really mine yet, it belongs to some friends who are giving it to me, and was given to them by the people from Pennsylvania who live in Texas now, but the title hasn't changed... Oh, and my driver's license is still Illinois. Luckily, he was OK with all of that and we had a shared bonding moment over BAMC in San Antonio.
Now get this... his jump pack didn't work... it was dead. So he had to call for backup. Sarah had come back at this point and moved her car, Collin was there, too. The other officer comes, they put on the new jump pack, I try the car - nothing. But they move the clamps and BAM! the car starts. Phew.
We decide we all (except the officers who have to go back to work) need ice cream and my car needs to run a little so I headed toward the HEB, and Candice came with me. Collin and Sarah went back to the apt. to await creamy frozen goodness. We parked and got our ice cream (thanks again, Bullards) and got back in the car.... which didn't start. Now Candice is a pretty small woman, but she's feisty and strong. And her and Collin are some of the most loyal people I've ever met. So I say, "can you drive a stick?"
"Ok," I say, "we're going to have to push it and pop the clutch"
so she gets in the driver's seat and I push the car out of the space and up the aisle... creating a runway.
I then push it forward, but we didn't have enough speed, so when she pops the clutch it doesn't start.
We decide to switch and at that moment a women asks us if we need help and then a man does. The man ends up helping Candice push, we get going a good clip and then
BAM! again.
the car starts - we feel like heroes at this point and we're super grateful to God - and we get home.
I have no idea if the car is going to start now, or ever again without jumper cables and my next trip to San Antonio (to John the mechanic) is at Thanksgiving. Oh, and this is the car I'm supposed to drive to Dallas in 3 weeks to fly to Greenville. But nevermind all that.
I lost 2 more hours of homework than planned. Bummer, because now its 11:40 and I'm still up with some reading left and questions to type.
But here's the bottom line:
* Pigskin was awesome and I forgot about my midterm for 2 1/2 hours.
* My car breaking down was a great memory experience - how often does your car stop running, your roommate's keys get locked in her running car, AND you have to push start your own car in the SAME NIGHT???
* I got to spend a few short minutes eating ice cream with three people I really like at a crazy late hour when normally none of us would be hanging out "on a school night" eating ice cream.
Life is good, people. God is amazing. He knows what we need to get back into perspective.
Oh, and I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, too.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Recent San Antonio Trip pics

Baby Drex before his first bath. Karen took off his clothes and he stretched out as though he was saying, "Yeah, that's more like it - now when do I get my massage?" I love this picture. He's a sweet, tiny boy - 2 wks old last Friday, looks like his oldest brother, Ryan, did as a baby.
How precious are these two sitting together on the patio? Incidentally, for every 2 pictures I take of these two, I must let them each snap a photo.... Its worth it for pics like this!
Ryan.... He is the most industrious 8 year old I've ever met, and all boy. He "gets" what it means to be a boy, this guy does. He loves doing whatever his dad does and living in the country agrees with him. This is a photo out at the shed, where he was working on a project... yes, with a hacksaw. :)
Brief Wednesday Update
I am in the middle of working on a midterm for one of my courses. Its easily one of the more difficult assignments that I've had in my 4 1/2 cumulative years of schooling - mostly because I have to coherently squeeze a large volume of information into a small number of pages. 4 questions answered, each in a maximum of 5 pages... WITH citations. A friend and I were discussing how best to tackle the work and we were talking about what it would have been like if it were an in-class test instead of a take home. She thought that the questions would be the same except we wouldn't have to reference the texts specifically. That made me think that perhaps I should try it. Now, I didn't have three hours to spend on this experiment, but I did have 30 minutes. So I gave myself 7 minutes per question and answered each in the best way I could. I think that really helped shape my introduction paragraphs and help me understand where I need to go with these essays.
So wish me luck... its Homecoming weekend (lots of activities!) and I have reading for other classes (due on Friday and Monday) and these essays have to be polished perfect by Tuesday at 4pm. Its not mayday yet..... but if you think about it.... say a little prayer for me, OK?
In the meantime, Homecoming is here and I am EXCITED about it. I'm going to Pigskin tomorrow night with a few friends. Pigskin is the reprisal of Sing (which takes place in the spring semester, and is the largest amateur show in the country) - the top 8 acts from Sing perform in the fall at Homecoming. I can't WAIT to see it! Friday night I'm going to an ADPi event from 5 to 5:30, then to help usher (I'm a "house manager") at Pigskin at 5:45, after (around 8:30) I'm going to the Ferrell center to experience "Extravaganza" and the Homecoming Bonfire and Pep Rally. Saturday morning we are having a couple friends over for breakfast and then walking down the street to campus to see the Parade (which is the largest collegiate parade in the country... wha?), then to tailgate at the game and then finally.... the GAME itself. I'm pretty excited to see what all these traditions entail and learn more about the Baylor culture. I'll fill you in later.
When am I going to study during this weekend? I don't know, either.
God bless you!
pics in next post from last weekend in San Antonio!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
This post is mostly for Heather Caddell

Heather - - - remember when you let me take pictures of your haircut so that I could get my hair cut kind of like it?!?! Well.... last Saturday I couldn't take it anymore. I had gotten a great cut from Michelle Westlake's friend Casey Willis before I left town but that was 3 months ago and I was desperate. So I went to Greatclips and somehow I got the right woman for the job and she understood what I wanted and wala. Good haircut #1 in Waco. See pictures. you will laugh because it really does look like your hair. I had her cut an inch because it was too long, and then 2 inches in the front because I couldn't see my face anymore. :)
Hope you are making it a great day! I miss you!
Love, Tiff
p.s. Oh, and thats the new sweater i bought at Target. I didn't really have money for haircut, nor sweater (ok, nor for the dresspants I also bought) but I needed the haircut and I felt like i didn't have many clothes to dress up in... so. well..... yikes. i'll look at my budget tomorrow. :)
Picture Update II (ADPi / ATO mixer 10/9)

Picture Update (Cemetery Walk 10/8)

This one "He did what he could.. for his Heavenly Father... For his Church... For his Family, For Humanity... And he has entered into the Joy of his Lord." is perhaps my favorite of all time. I was actually looking for this one during my wandering and found it when I was nearing the wandering's end.

I love this one. On the front is all the information about the person. On the back it simply says, "joy"

Here are some neat pics from a walk I took on Sunday in the cemetery near my house? Are there any other cemetery lovers out there? They are such peaceful places to wander, and are full of interesting tombstones... and as my roommate Sarah says, "when you are crying at a cemetery, no one questions you" - which makes it a great place to let those tears fall.
This was a great walk for me. Beautiful things to look at - I wandered for over an hour. AND I got to talk to Liz on the phone while I did it. And when things came up that made me cry, she just let me - think we are looking forward to when we can cry with each other in person again, instead of on the phone... at least I am.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
various newsie news
Life has been a whirlwind of activity this week more than most. On Friday I spoke with Jen P. - the province director for the local ADPi chapter and agreed to become one of their chapter advisors. That in itself didn't affect my activity level (though it will slightly in the spring). What DID affect my activity level was my decision earlier in the week to attend an Alpha Delta Pi recruitment workshop with the chapter on Saturday at the chapter room. It started at 9am and I was there until 1pm when I went to the Baylor Volleyball game (they hosted #1 Nebraska and it was fun to watch such good volleyball) then listened to the remainder of the Greenville Football game on the web and went BACK to the rest of the workshop. I got home about 6pm and Sarah and I decided to skip the FB game at Baylor in order to study.... which lasted for about 2 hours until we were too tired to focus. :) I was planning to attend initiation with ADPi all along, but until Saturday I didn't know the date.... Oh, its this Thursday and ritual review (where they remind people like me about it) was Monday... SO.... I had to cram some homework in on Sunday, then we went to dinner at church and some friends came over to watch the amazing race. Monday I had work and then class (took a quiz... probably a "B" effort, sadly) and then had to quickly do more reading before my ADPi meeting that evening and a meeting for work. Phew. Tuesday was a day of work, studying and class and then REST.
I got to talk to my mom last night for a while, which was lovely. What a blessing.
This morning I slept in until 6:45. WOW - I feel, sincerely, like a new woman. Who know that 45 minutes could make that big of a difference?
Today I have work and studying and maybe a trip to apartment #5 to watch the Project Runway reunion with my new friends Joel and Jessica. Thursday I have lots of meetings and then initiation after work - and perhaps home in enough time to watch.... CSI, Grey's, etc... we'll see. Friday is the Alpha Tau Omega bed races - a Baylor tradition involving costumed teams of 5 racing hospital beds down a main road on campus... Saturday, who knows?!? I'm hoping to sleep in, get some cleaning done and start to get ahead on homework before I head to San Antonio next weekend.
OH..... and the most important news for some of you out there: I'm headed to Greenville. Officially. The weekend of November 4th and 5th. WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! I won't have time for Rancho Nuevo, and I won't get to see a bunch of people one-on-one (time is just too short for it) but what I will get to see: some of my favorite girls (hopefully) Friday night; my favorite men playing football on Saturday (some of them for the last time in intercollegiate play); some of my favorite parents in the whole world on Saturday; some of my favorite toddlers and infants in the world and their parents, who I also love; and finally..... I will get to attend church with dear friends who are like family, spend quality time with a few close friends and get to pray and be prayed for. wow. So excited. mark the date! if you don't know when you'll see me, plan to find me at the game on Saturday.
Love, Tiff