Monday, November 12, 2007

Tag - I'm it.

OK, to honor my friend Liz, I'm going to tell you seven things about myself that you may (or may not know). Hers were pretty good. I fear mine will not match up, but I'm going to step out in faith anyway.

1) I can cross my pinky toe over the toe next to it.

2) My family is well known for creating what we call "Rube Goldberg inventions" after the famous cartoonist (see link here). My favorite one is the hook that we invented to string Christmas lights on tall Cacti - it is a pool pole, with a hanger bent into a hook at one end, duct-taped within an inch of its life to the pole. Then one person holds the lights on a little spool while the other uses the pole to navigate the cactus arms. It is a hilarious enterprise and probably pretty amusing to the neighbors, too.

3) I like rock climbing a lot. But I feel constrained by indoor rock walls because I have to follow a prescribed path. I'd rather just find holds and get to the top however I can.

4) I go to cemetaries when I'm sad or just want to sit or walk quietly alone. Wherever I live, I find a nice cemetary to wander around. (right now its Oakwood Cemetary on 5th and LaSalle)

5) My mom and I often will say the exact same thing, at the exact same time, with the same inflection. Most often in response to a question of my dad's, and sometimes hollering it from opposite ends of the house. its rediculous.

6) I am currently applying to be a participant on the Amazing Race.

7) I was an art major growing up. I still love to do art, but my school schedule constrains me from doing any sort of crafts, let alone painting, etc.

Tag... you are now it:
Sarah M.
Alexis C.
Missy D.
Jenn C.

Love you!


Sarah Gail said...

You would tag me! Let me think on it. . . check my blog tomorrow!

Erin said...

You did not tag me...however, I will leave a comment...hee hee! I did a whole talk on this at our singles retreat a few weekends ago....all of the things about ourselves that we would say are "quirky" and unique that we sometimes don't like, but that make us US, and NOT the same as everyone else. Fun! I think I had 5-6 things like this that I put into my talk. Maybe I'll put it up on my blog too!

Missy said...

Thanks for the game Tif! I responded on my the way, I think you should think about moving to the great state of Colorado...I miss you!