Thursday, June 12, 2008

Trying new things

Hi Friends,

Here I am in Phoenix Arizona. Soon I will be posting about the summer bible study my mom and I are taking, as well as some activities we've been doing around here.

I'm also going to start posting about some products for a company called "Bloggerwave" - Its sort of like being a shopper and referral artist through my blog all in one, and its a way for me to make some money this summer. Add that to my listings ($45 to date!), and some occasional babysitting, hopefully I can make some money this summer after all!!

Will post soon - this weekend we are headed to Laughlin, NV to visit my grandparents. There are bound to be post-worthy stories!

Love, Tiff

1 comment:

Sarah Gail said...

here's the deal the bloggerwave thing, you have to post your blog for approval under the "blogs" tab. Once it's approved you'll get an email, and then you can log in and see Jobs you are eligible for. The blog I posted is one of my jobs! Hope that helps!! (And, hope this goes well for the both of us!)