Saturday, February 10, 2007

Patience, dear friends

Good morning my friends! As you can tell by the time date on this post (somewhere around 6:30 in the AM on a Saturday), life has not slowed down one iota for me. Actually, that's untrue. I had an hour or so last evening at my house, all alone, where I watched an hour of TV and ate a lovely dinner. It as fantastic. But turns out that had I known I should have been at the ADPi chapter suite helping them sew costumes for their Sing act. I ended up there later in the evening, until about 11:30.

This morning we have initiation for the chapter's new members. I will be there as one of the advisors, and I'm looking forward to it... its just really early.

I tried to write a post last week, but I got distracted with work while I was at home, and then didn't write anything of substance, so I hope to begin writing again this week AND establish a date for my weekly updates (of which I was fairly consistent last semester, I think).

I hope in the meantime you will have patience with me as I have patience with myself. The year has gotten of to a great start - but the start has been somewhat like being fired out of a cannon - I'm moving fast and am not sure how long I'll stay airborne. :)

Thank you for your patience. Check back next week and there will be news. Mostly, I may be talking about my parent's upcoming visit! (woo hoo!)

And blessings to you!

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