Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Newest Updates: August 1st, 2006

Well, I'm here in Waco. The Martines (Karen's folks) came up with me on Saturday and helped me unload everything. Then I spent a few hours getting settled and went to Austin to hang with the Fergasons for the weekend. I came back on Sunday evening and began the arduous work of unpacking - finding places for everything and putting it there... only to find that when you don't have much furniture you really don't have a place for everything!

So I spent some time at Wal-mart and Target and I'll have to go back tomorrow to a Dollar Store to get some small plastic cubbies for the kitchen and bathroom. Thankfully, my roommate isn't moving in for a week or so, so I have time to let my stuff be spread all around the bathroom (and a little around the living room)!

I decided to start work tomorrow. I figure I'll work 4-5 hours and be done (if I can last that long). There isn't really anything for me to do, except set up my desk and then talk with the guy I'll be working for: Don Mattingly.

Last week I came up for a day to take care of some business and met the entire University Ministries staff. I had a good chat with Don - to set up our plans for this week and a short tour around campus with Byron Weathersbee the campus chaplain. He talked about the vision he has for my position - what role he wants me to play. Basically: be with students. WOO HOO!!

I also went to the health dept. yesterday and paid $40 for them to stick a needle in my arm... yep, immunizations! I didn't have record of my last tetanus, so I had to get another (now my arm is a little sore!) and I didn't have record of my last TB test, so I am in the process of that right now. Tomorrow I'll go back in the afternoon, and have them document that I'm negative (apparently).

My apartment has high-speed internet, so it will look like I'm on line all the time unless I turn off the computer (or turn off the internet? don't know how), so if you hit me to chat on msn or gmail and I don't answer, don't be dismayed - I just might not be around.

On the bright side, now I can update more easily and in particular whenI want to procrastinate - perfect!

I'll have more to say - and a trip update - tomorrow and later this week!

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